Below is a full list of available, free eLearning courses offered by Contrast Security. Each course will open in a new browser window (if you have a pop-up blocker, you may need to give permission to open it).
At this time, the course will not keep track of completed lessons. If you do not finish a course, please note where you left off so you can start at the next lesson by selecting the lesson from the table of contents on the landing page.
Key Concepts for A quick course that introduces what Contrast Security is, how it works, and how it can be your one tool for overall application security. Duration: 10-15 minutes |
An in-depth course that explores the Contrast UI, the main tool for consuming data in Contrast Security. You will learn how to navigate the UI and understand the data presented to you. Duration: 90 minutes |
A course for team Admins who will be overseeing the Contrast implementation and deployment. It provides details about creating rules and policies, managing users, and other Admin tasks. Duration: 60 minutes |
So you need to install Contrast Security? This course explores the primary method of installing agents for most languages supported by Contrast. Select the language you need, ignore the others. Duration: ~5 minutes per language |
High-level exploration of how Contrast fits within your workflow. In this course, workflows are provided from different team perspectives along with downloadable content. Duration: 10 minutes |