Agent installation guide
This guide offers examples for deploying Contrast Security agents in AWS Fargate. AWS Fargate is an engine that allows you to run containers for serverless applications. We encourage you to take this guide, make it your own, and distribute it to teams who need to instrument applications in Fargate.
The main portion of the guide details the most popular methods customers use to instrument serverless applications deployed to AWS Fargate: using Docker or Kubernetes.
Main steps
Option 1: Deploy a Docker container to AWS Fargate
- Deploy an application instrumented with a Contrast agent to a Docker container.
- Deploy the Docker containers to AWS Fargate.
Option 2: Deploy Kubernetes pods to AWS Fargate
- Deploy an application instrumented with the Contrast agent to a Kubernetes pod.
- Deploy the Kubernetes pod to AWS Fargate.
This guide assumes you have:
- Some familiarity with DevOps practices and how either Docker or Kubernetes works
- The information needed to connect a Contrast agent to the Contrast dashboard:
- Already installed the Contrast agent within the container image.
- Set the configuration to the name you’d like your server to report to the UI as
To begin, select the option that matches your containerized application environment: Docker or Kubernetes:
Option 1: Deploy a Docker container to AWS Fargate
Create a Dockerized version of an application that is instrumented with a Contrast agent. See our language-specific deployment guides for more information on installing Contrast in containers:
Follow AWS instructions for deploying Docker containers to AWS Fargate:
Option 2: Deploy Kubernetes pods to AWS Fargate
Create a Kubernetes pod version of an application that is instrumented with the Contrast agent. See our language-specific deployment guide for more information on installing Contrast in Kubernetes pods:
Follow AWS instructions for deploying Kubernetes pods to AWS Fargate: