If my license has an expiration date of December 1, 2023, does that mean the license expires at midnight on the 1st (i.e., late night on November 30th)? Or does it expire at 11:59PM on December 1st? And again, which time zone?
The license expires at the start of day indicated, at 12:00 AM (or 00:00). The timezone for that is based on the machine hosting teamserver (regardless of the timezone set in teamserver).
For SaaS users:
All SaaS orgs license expiration times are 00:00 Eastern Time (GMT-05:00). For example, if you login as a SuperAdmin > click Organizations > check License Summary by clicking on one of the license counts in the Licenses column for the desired org and see "... will expire on 1 Dec 2024" this means the licenses will expire on 1 Dec 2024 at 00:00 Eastern Time.