How to get logs from the Scan Local Engine

  • Updated


In certain scenarios, the Contrast Local Scan engine may produce an error message or report unexpected results.  In such circumstances, deeper logging may be needed for successful troubleshooting.


Please refer to our Local Scan engine Documentation at - Run local scan .

The following command option can be used to turn on logging at the specified log level:

--level <level>

Values for this option are:






Use this option only if Contrast Support instructs you to do so. Don't use it for all scans.

The default level is WARN .

Typically, INFO level logs will provide the additional information required for troubleshooting most issues.  Contrast Support will advise if a higher level of logging is needed on a case by case basis.

TRACE level logging is very verbose and would only be required in rare scenarios.


After running the Local Scan engine with the specified log level, zip up the contents of the /target folder created in the directory the scan was ran from and supply it to Contrast Support along with the contrast-scan-<ID>.log file from the /log directory.


To contact the Contrast Support Team, please submit a ticket to our online support portal. 

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