Support Bulletin: Introducing Contrast’s New Status Page

  • Updated

Issued: 3rd June 2024

We’re pleased to announce the launch of a new status page for Contrast’s SaaS services, which can be found here:

As well as reflecting the real time status of each SaaS instance, the status page will allow us to send subscribers immediate notifications in the case of any service disruption.

What does this mean to you?

While we’ll continue to send the usual email bulletins in the short term, we strongly recommend subscribing to the status page to continue receiving notifications in the future.

Customers who’ve previously subscribed to technical communications from Contrast will receive an email from to confirm their subscription shortly. If you don’t receive a confirmation email, you can follow the steps below to subscribe.

How do I subscribe to the status page?

  1. Head to:
  2. Click the SUBSCRIBE TO UPDATES button
  3. Enter your company email address, and click SUBSCRIBE VIA EMAIL button
  4. Complete the CAPTCHA
  5. Click the Select none link to unselect all
  6. Under the Contrast SaaS instance hosting your account, select the two components (Contrast Server, API)
  7. Click Save
  8. Once complete, you’ll receive an email from to confirm your subscription

How do I manage my subscription or unsubscribe?

  1. Head to:
  2. Click the SUBSCRIBE TO UPDATES button
  3. Enter your email address, and click SUBSCRIBE VIA EMAIL
  4. Make any changes to your current subscription or select the Unsubscribe from updates button

If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to discuss this issue further, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

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