Unable to delete serverless resource

  • Updated


Running into a "DELETE_FAILED" when attempting to delete contrast resource.

Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 11.25.29 AM.png


Delete failed for contrastNotify:

  • You will need to download and apply the latest cft. This message was created to help validate that customers are using the most recent cft since we've moved to a newer version. To download the latest cft, you will need to log into the Contrast UI and grab the latest template.  (Covered in our docs here)

Delete failed for contrast-6gebs:

  • In order to delete, you can run another delete and skip contrastNotify. When deleting, you will see a message indicating contrastNotify failed to delete and ask if you want to retain this and delete the rest of the stack. At this point, choose contrastNotify and continue the process. This will delete the stack. The contrastNotfiy is a virtual resource so retaining it won't leave any actual resource in your account.


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