Support Bulletin: Sonatype URL Change for Latest Java Agent Downloads

  • Updated

Issued: 8th June 2023

This message is to inform you of a recent unexpected change to downloads from the Sonatype repository. Sonatype now enforces basic authentication when accessing their site. If you use URLs to download artifacts, for example:, a login is required.


What does this mean to you?

If you use a Sonatype URL to download the latest Java agent, the download fails. While we’re exploring long term solutions, in the meantime there are a number of workarounds to rectify this issue, as detailed here:

This does not affect you if you do not utilize Sonatype for downloading the latest Contrast Java agent programmatically.

If you have any additional questions, concerns, or would like to discuss this issue further, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

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