Here is where to get the values for the Contrast Connections-Connection Details fields for the Contrast-Jenkins Integration (Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Contrast Connections > Connection Details)
Contrast Username: E-mail address of API-Only Account. (Not the Agent Username)
Contrast API Key: This is the agent key/organization key. (It is not unique to this user)
Contrast Service Key: This can be found by hovering over the grey "API Only" for the API-Only user (Organization Settings > Users). *Not the Agent Service Key
Contrast URL: https://(Replace with your SaaS instance ID).contrastsecurity.com/Contrast/api
Organization ID: This is standard for your organization and is the same for agents, users and API-Only accounts.
Tip: If you log into the Contrast UI, your SaaS instance ID and Organization ID should be available at the following places in the URL:
https://(your SaaS instance ID).contrastsecurity.com/Contrast/static/ng/index.html#/(your Organization ID)/
*Important note: Do not disable "UI Access" for the API Only user.
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